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Cordyline Indivisa Survival

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:17 am
by samj
I am not particularly experienced at gardening but I have 5 Cordyline Indivisa which are 2+3 years old and so far they all seem to be surviving well. 4 of them are planted in the ground next to my house in very poor soil (hardly any top soil and lots of building rubble with no feeding/multching/ etc). The house wall shades the plants from the afternoon sun and the protects them from the worst of the frosts.

The only time I have seen them really start yellowing / rocking is when i crowded them with pots of large bamboos and palms. This has led me to believe that they get really fussy when there is no air movement. My garden is in a high spot where the fresh air never stops moving in from the Atlantic. Whenever I look at the leaves of the Cordyline Indivisa, they seem to be gently bouncing.

Could it be that the constant renewal of fresh air prevents fungal infection?

Re: Cordyline Indivisa Survival

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:44 am
by allangreenbean
I don't know the answer but I too have 3 Indivisa the same age.

I noticed yesterday that one looked as though it was becoming loose/insecure around the base so placed some pebbles around it for support.

Re: Cordyline Indivisa Survival

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:10 pm
by samj
allangreenbean wrote:I don't know the answer but I too have 3 Indivisa the same age.
Are yours in pots? do they have much air circulating around them?