So I’ve just come back from a week camping and I’ve started tidying up the garden again I’ve noticed a huge flower from the largest of my 8 musa’s.
I’ve had these for over 6 years and I’ve never expected them to flower before but I’m over the moon that it has
What are my next steps? Will it develop edible fruit? Do I have to look after it any different to what I have been?
I’d love to post a picture but don’t know how to add images
Musa basjoo flowering
- Posts: 901
- Joined: Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:38 pm
- Location: London
Musa basjoo flowering
Hi Sam. Well done that your banana has gone bananas
The fruit is tiny, full of seeds and utterly inedible. Apparently, there is a Japanese recipe which recommends pickling them in Saki for two to three years and then cooking them. At this point, they are apparently ready for (human) consumption. As I know not if the peel or seeds require removal before or after, I wouldn't bother particularly as it represents a waste of a good Saki
As for after care, the whole plant will die after fruiting. Pups will take over. Continue care as before.
The fruit is tiny, full of seeds and utterly inedible. Apparently, there is a Japanese recipe which recommends pickling them in Saki for two to three years and then cooking them. At this point, they are apparently ready for (human) consumption. As I know not if the peel or seeds require removal before or after, I wouldn't bother particularly as it represents a waste of a good Saki
As for after care, the whole plant will die after fruiting. Pups will take over. Continue care as before.
Musa basjoo flowering
Fair enough, thanks for the reply, think I’ll give it a miss on the saki recipe
Gutted it means it’s the death of the plant but there are plenty more pups to take over
Gutted it means it’s the death of the plant but there are plenty more pups to take over
- Posts: 901
- Joined: Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:38 pm
- Location: London
Musa basjoo flowering
Try and get a picture of it for posterity. (That's not an Italian version of the Saki recipe! )
With the forum closing I don't think there is anyone around anymore to give you guidance on posting the pic. Not very good at these things but I'll try to help.
If you have filed a picture of it on your mobile you can start the process by clicking the ADD FILES below the 'post a reply' box. This should allow you to select your image from your gallery file. The complicated bit is the pic may be too large so you have to select the pic through a picture reduction app first. When it has been reduced you should be able to 'select' and it will place itself below the reply box where you can upload it.
All the best, Sam. I'll look in to see if you are successful.
With the forum closing I don't think there is anyone around anymore to give you guidance on posting the pic. Not very good at these things but I'll try to help.
If you have filed a picture of it on your mobile you can start the process by clicking the ADD FILES below the 'post a reply' box. This should allow you to select your image from your gallery file. The complicated bit is the pic may be too large so you have to select the pic through a picture reduction app first. When it has been reduced you should be able to 'select' and it will place itself below the reply box where you can upload it.
All the best, Sam. I'll look in to see if you are successful.
Musa basjoo flowering
It’s a shame the forum is closing and I didn’t stumble upon it beforehand.
Thanks for the help on posting pictures, I thought it was a lot more difficult than that.
Here are pics of the current crop and the latest musa’s I planted in the other corner by carefully removing some of the pups.
The leaves took some damage from the thunderstorms we had recently
Thanks for the help on posting pictures, I thought it was a lot more difficult than that.
Here are pics of the current crop and the latest musa’s I planted in the other corner by carefully removing some of the pups.
The leaves took some damage from the thunderstorms we had recently
Musa basjoo flowering
Very nice